Locally-owned, and serving Richmond since 1989, this natural-foods market and café is known for providing locally-grown food to the community and for giving back through donations. (You likely have one of their 10-for-9 coffee cards in your wallet.)


Ellwood Thompson’s thrives by nurturing local connections, and not just for vegetables. Their printing projects are done right here, because they want to ensure ordering is simple and the few printed pieces they create are cost-effective.


Knowing they print coffee cards, juice cards, comment cards, and shelf tags, we helped determine which pieces could be printed simultaneously (a gang-run). The juice and coffee cards run together because they’re square cut. The shelf tags are printed together so they can be die-cut all at once, too. Everything is run digitally for extra savings and speed.


Aside from the savings in time and money, for clients like Ellwood Thompson’s we make reordering easy. It’s a phone call with a request and a quantity. Reduced paperwork on their end means they get what they need faster, so they can focus on communicating their values and mission. Richmond’s gotta eat!