Whether training manuals, student manuals, product manuals, owner manuals, or something similar, at BambooInk, printing custom manuals is our business.
Whether training manuals, student manuals, product manuals, owner manuals, or something similar, at BambooInk, printing custom manuals is our business.
Eco-friendly ink is one component of green printing. While there are many factors that influence sustainable printing practices, today we’ll focus on ink’s composition–whether it’s petroleum or plant based–and its release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) when determining if ink is environmentally friendly.
Bamboo paper is attracting the attention of companies and individuals looking for eco-friendly printing and sustainability. At BambooInk, we reduce waste, recycle, use post-consumer recycled papers, and look for high-quality alternatives, including tree-free papers like bamboo.
Please note that all sales are final. Any defective products will be replaced at no cost to the customer.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact customer service at (804)230-4515 or email to contact@bambooink.com.
If you would like for your order to be tax exempt please register for an account. From there you’ll be able to submit a tax exemption form.
Please note that all sales are final. Any defective products will be replaced at no cost to the customer.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact customer service at (804)230-4515 or email to contact@bambooink.com.
If you would like for your order to be tax exempt please register for an account. From there you’ll be able to submit a tax exemption form.